CCCC #7: Results!
The results for the seventh custom card creation contest.
CCCC #7 Results
Welcome back! Now that the Design-a-yak contest is over, I'd like to share the winners' creation with you. I'll share some quotes from them, too!
I'm very sorry I couldn't get this out the week before. I was busy and I couldn't get to it! Nonetheless, here we are, and here are the winners!
3rd Place
Artwork: https://faeriapublic.s3.amazonaws.com/website/news/FF/2018/Jul13/banner_priestess_1600x768.jpg
- Balance: 8/10
- Creativity & Originality: 25/30
- CCCC Special Rule: 37/40
Teleporting is a hard effect to do right, and I believe this is one of the cards that fits well.
"It can be used to protect Yaks or force value trades for you, while the teleporting mechanic can allow the enemy to kill Fluffinus without having to slog through a possible yak swarm, as it teleports Fluffinus closer to the enemy in most situations."
Wise words from Macharius.You know what else are wise words?
"Fluffinus is a good boy!"
Total Score: 70/80
2nd Place

- Artwork: User Made!
- Balance: 9/10
- Creativity & Originality: 24/30
- CCCC Special Rule: 38/40
This really embodies what I think of when I dream of yaks. A nice 2/4 statline and a simple yet intriguing effect. Just make sure not to put it on your prairies!
Oh and by the way: "Swimming is cool."
Total Score: 71/80
Honorable Mention

- Artwork: Beautiful photoshop
- Balance: 7/10
- Creativity & Originality: 24/30
- CCCC Special Rule: 36/40
Total Score: 67/80
1st Place
- Artwork: In-game artwork
- Balance: 8/10
- Creativity & Originality: 29/30
- CCCC Special Rule: 35/40
I found this quite amusing:
"Because he's a Yakvatar but he's kinda weak still, so he can only make 1 Yakland at a time and he has to protecc his land otherwise Yakzuko (your opponent) will take it. But one day he'll be a strong Yakbender!"
Total Score: 72/80
Again I would like to extend a thanks to those who participate and give an imaginary firm handshake to the winners. I hope you enjoy your Mythic Chests!
You know who provided you with those lovely mythic chests? Atmaz and the Abrakam team. You better say thank you. Good. There you go.
See you soon for the next contest!
Congrats to the winners! They are all ready interesting.
I wish I can play with them in game.
The Scuba Yak is REALLY COOL! And the others are nice too!