DeviantArt Custom Card Contest
Show us your creativity by crafting custom cards for prizes! Contest runs from March 31st to April 7th, 2017.
As a God that has pieced together fragmented memories of creatures and events long past, share them with the world for your chance to win Gold, Pandora Coins, and an Egg!
Contest runs from March 31st to April 7th, 2017.
Create a custom card and submit it to the Faeria community's DeviantArt page. See instructions below.
Each winner will receive:
- 2000 gold
- 1 Pandora Coin
- 1 Egg
One Winner will be selected for each of the following categories:
- [Mountain]
- [Desert]
- [Forest]
- [Lake]
- [Neutral]
- [Pandora-Treasure]
- [Multi-Color
Winning entries will be showcased during the Monthly Cup Tournament (livestream) on April 8th 2017.
Judging for the main contest will be based around how creative your card is (so non-artists are more than welcome to participate).
Entries with amazing illustrations may also be highlighted during the stream (rewards may vary, based on number of "amazing" entries).
Example Entry: "Prairie/Pandora-Treasure"
How to Enter:
To make this more fun for everyone, we will be letting the community decide the winners!
You will be able to vote for the winners, on the official forums (after the contest closes at 11:59PM CET on April 7th).
Voting will take place on Faeria's official forums, and will close at 2pm CEST.
No nudity or sexually explicit images will be allowed.
Illustrations must be an original creation. *No copyrighted material from a 3rd party.
- Entries must be submitted before the end of the day on April 7th, 2017 at 11:59PM CET.
Read the latest article on http://islands-of-faeria.deviantart.com/ for other questions you may have!
the event folder is iocked
Why is it imposibble to submit a card right now?
Event folder is now fixed.
*You can submit your works by joining the group and clicking the “submit to this folder” button at the top of the page here: http://islands-of-faeria.deviantart.com/gallery/62536794/Contest-Custom-Cards-April-2017