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Faeria Friday: Atmaz goes to Belgium

Written by Gary Morris  |  01/18/2019

The following is an exclusive guided tour through the mysterious lair of Abrakam. Ever wonder how the yaks are made? Well, keep wondering - these are just photos.

A new build-order strategy: The Forest Kick

Atmaz goes to Belgium

I am here. It has been a long time in coming, but I have successfully infiltrated Belgium and have descended upon Abrakam HQ in Liege. Also, I ate a nice hot dog yesterday - No waffles, yet.

What follows is a guided tour through the secret lair of Abrakam and its secrets.

The outside

For those who don't know, Abrakam shares its offices with other tech-minded Belgian start-ups in an office building for The Faktory.

Here you see its unassuming entrance from the outside. There was a guy planting some shrubs around here, but he wasn't open for questions. I'll learn his secrets later.

The entrance

As you enter, you are rewarded with a wonderful shower of sunlight. Belgian architects seem to know what they are doing.

The clock

No one seems to know what this clock does, but it is there. It definitely seems to be some sort of clock, or clock-like device.

It may also be a time machine. I was told not to ask too many questions.

The halls

The halls are peppered with a series of M.C. Escher-esque staircases. I am sure I saw someone go down one and then come up another. I was under the impression that this was the architect just showing off.

Nonetheless, it is kind of pretty and puts you in a good mood. But what secrets lie below?

The stairs

Belgian feet are known to be very sturdy and strong. Here, they have worn away a path down this mysterious set of stairs.

They did not let me go down there or tell me where it led.

The hive

Now we begin exploring the central nervous system of Abrakam itself.

Let us see if we can approach safely.

The devs

Pictured here is the 'developer corner' in the office. Here we see DaVeed, Nicolas, and Pierre-Yves.

We're missing Quentin today, but his car blew up or something.

Here is Antoine totally not posing for a photo and doing genuine hard work. I believe at this exact moment he was typing the very last character for a bug fix.

That character? "}"

The artists

This blurry picture reminds us all that I am no photographer and didn't have time to take another.

Anyway, here we see Martin and Jen tucked away in their hidey-hole where they whisper secrets to one another all day long.

The Yves

Also in this area is the lair of Yves, an animator for Faeria.

In this exclusive photo, you see his work on a new 'selection circle' that will be featured in the in-game shop some time soon.

Just imagine that blue thing swirling around in circles. It's cool, trust me.

The big boys

Here we see Jean-Michel (jiem) sitting in his big boy chair, talking about some big boy stuff with Frederic, who is an external consultant joining us in our offices lately.

The plushie corner

Tucked away under a pile of various plushies, we have Chris, also known as HeliosAflame.

He growls when you get too close to his Snorlax.

The meeting

Every day before lunch, the team gathers around for a stand-up meeting to talk about their day and what they are working on.

Everyone also gives their own happiness rating at the end, which was cute. Today they were very happy, but they could have been putting on a show for me.

The end

And so today's tour ends, with this photo of a forgotten poster in the corner from long ago.

This weekend, we are all going out on a team-building exercise in a place called Malmedy. It is said to be very beautiful there.

I will be taking more pictures there and sharing them later.

Until then, Atmaz out.

Aurora Open #1 results

  • 1st. ChaeHolic - South Korea - $200 + 100 FWC points
  • 2nd. Amoeba - Denmark - $125 + 75 FWC points
  • 3rd. ChiefBromden - Austria - $75 + 60 FWC points
  • 4th. Teixeira - Japan + 40 FWC points
  • Watch Frosty's coverage with timestamps here

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