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Faeria Vocabulary

Posted by Moonfassa on 01/07/2022

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Common words/phrases used by the Faeria community to get you up to speed.


Refers to the +1 Faeria option on the power wheel (not the +1 draw option).


Creatures that have higher attack than life are considered angry creatures.


Stand for "Area of Effect" and refers to cards/abilities that can effect multiple hexes at once such as Firestorm or Bursting Hippo.


A buff is a positive effect given to a creature such as the stat gain from Elderwood Embrace.

A debuff is a negative effect such as the stat loss from Emperors Command.


A creature who's purpose is to harvest/collect from Faeria wells. This might be a specific creature planned upon deckbuilding, such as Farm Boy, or it could be any creature (preferably a cheap one) you happen to draw over the course of a match.

Double Collector

A single creature who is positioned in a spot where they can walk back and forth between two Faeria wells each turn.

Deck Weight

Refers to the Faeria cost required to play the cards in your deck during a match. The average Faeria cost of a deck is a decent indicator of how much deck weight you have, but not perfect. Other factors such as discount cards and draw cards are also considered in deck weight. Draw cards for example will be more costly overall since you'll have more cards in hand to play. If the majority of your list has really low deck weight you'll want to offset that with either expensive things or a lot of draw. Heavy deck weight requires Faeria generation cards and a low overall special land count to free up your power wheel.

Direct/Indirect Damage

Direct damage can be dealt directly to your opponent's orb, such as Flame Burst. Indirect damage is damage that can be blocked or requires some setup to hit the orb, such as that from creatures.


Your orb/god (where your life total is) is also often referred to as your face.


When a player tries to draw a card from their deck but no cards are remaining, they take 1 damage. The second time they try to draw they take 2 damage, then 3, and so on.

Hard/Soft Removal

Hard removal is a card that can completely destroy a creature either conditionally or unconditionally. Examples: Last Nightmare, Choking Sand, Flame Burst.

Soft removal is a card that can partially destroy a creature or temporarily destroy a creature. Examples: Crystal Flower, Mobie, Frogify, Humbling Vision.


A singleton deck (deck build with only 1 copy of each card).


When a player gets to use their creatures that they summoned on the previous turn, they get the initiative. Initiative is lost when you have no active creatures on board to fight your opponent's creatures. Even if you summon a creauture, you need to wait an entire other turn for you to be able to move/attack/collect with it. This gives your opponent the advantage (or initiative) to dictate the trades and use buffs or mobility tricks on their own active creatures to favourably trade with your creatures.


Discarding drawn cards because the maximum hand size has been reached (comes from MTG).

Movement Trick

A card that can forcibly move a creature such as Flash Wind or Windborne Chamption.


Stands for "One Turn Kill" and like the name says, it's when you can kill your opponent in one turn.


Racing is when you choose to invest your Faeria/creatures into attacking your opponent's orb and give up defending your own orb (more or less). This is a good strategy if you're confident you can destroy your opponent before they can destroy you.


Running down the turn timer to the last second (comes from Hearthstone).


Value that increases over the course of the match. Examples: Firebringer, Soul Eater, Wavecrash Colossus.

Starting Creature

A creature that can be played on turn 2 or earlier (in some cases turn 3) with the purpose of harvesting Faeria early. This means having a land cost of 2 or less and a Faeria cost of 6 or less.

Summoning Sickness

When you first summon a creature, they cannot move, attack, or corrupt. This is known as summoning sickness (comes from MTG). Haste bypasses this rule.


Tempo can either be an entire deck or just a certain move with the purpose of putting on early pressure or taking short-term value in exchange for long-term value. An example would be like playing Wavecrash Colossus before it's fully discounted to 4 in order to give you early pressure instead of waiting for its full value. The idea here is to win the game quickly, before your opponent starts outvaluing you in the late game with their own Wavecrash Colossus or similar cards. Tempo plays are good when you analyze that your opponent has a much better late game than you do or you can take significant control over the board. Though some decks are better equipped to play for a tempo gameplan than others.


Cards with selective drawing such as Curious Biomancer and Ionas Smile. Regular draw cards are not tutors.

Value Trade

A value trade is when you can attack an enemy creature while still having your own creature survive after combat.


Including a card in your deck that only improves your win rates by a tiny fraction, or maybe not at all. It's often better to run a different card in this slot to help you win other, less-winnable matchups or improve your early game. An example of this would be running a Carassius + Creation deck and also including Gift of the Rakoa. Gift is often considered a win-more card in this type of list because the gameplan of swarming with several Carassius is often enough to win games on its own. That slot would be better used to improve the deck's early game struggles.

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