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Fastest Way to Kill Yourself (updated)

Posted by Franklin3113 on 04/07/2018

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What is the fastest way you can deal 20 damage to... yourself??

Hello Guys! It's Franklin3113 (I know I have a dumb name), this is my first "guide" and it is actually more difficult writing guides than I thought.

EDIT: Now that I got used to it, it's not that difficult.

Anyways let's say you somehow misunderstood how to play faeria and thought the objective of the game was to kill the face at the bottom of the screen not the top. What is the fastest way you can kill yourself without the help of your opponent? (we can just pretend they plus one faeria and then end turn every turn)

By the way I encourage you guys to try to figure out the fastest way a player can kill themself without their opponent's help before reading the rest of this "guide"


Solution below





Ok I hope you took your time to figure out the solution.

The answer is the second turn of player one (The person who went first)! EDIT: I actually found a new solution that you can kill yourself in the first turn as player two! It will be at the bottom

Sounds insane that the on the second turn player one can kill themself? Here's how you do it.

Turn 1

  • Make a mountain.
  • End turn.

Turn 2

  • Make a mountain.

You will be sitting at 6 faeria, 4 cards and 2 mountains. You must convert this into dealing 20 damage to yourself! Let's take a look at your cards. You have Blood Song, Wisdom, Blood Song and another Wisdom. Let's continue!

  • Play Blood Song (now you are at 2 faeria) which hits the other Blood Song twice and a Wisdom twice making them both free.
  • Play the Wisdom for free and you draw another Blood Song and a Flame Burst.
  • Play the Blood Song for free (You are now at 12 Health.) It hits Blood Song twice and Wisdom twice again.
  • Play the Wisdom for free and you draw two Flame Bursts.
  • Play your Blood Song for free (You are now at 8 Health.) It hits one of the Flame Burst twice and the other two once so you now have a free Flame Burst and two Flame Burst that cost one faeria.
  • Use all three Flame Bursts on your face.
  • You WIN!!! Oh wait you lost because you kill yourself RIP!

I think it is beautiful that you killed yourself this puzzle was solved using all your faeria and all your cards. Also this is the fastest way a game can end without forfeits. Thanks for reading! If you guys like this "guide" I might write more like this. :)

Update: New Solution

Update: Well here's my new solution I found when making my guide how to get turn one lethal. It also uses Spellwhirl chaining, an OP hypothetical combo. There is acually many different card combo that will give you a one turn lethal but I believe this is the one that uses the least amount of cards. Well here's how you do it:

  • Start with a Failed Experiment, Water Elemental, Spellwhirl and Explore card.
  • Play Explore. (You now have 5 faeria.)
  • Use your Power Wheel to make a lake
  • Play Failed Experiment. (You now have 4 faeria.)
  • Play Water Elemental for free (You now have 2 lakes.)
  • Play Spellwhirl which gives you two more Spellwhirl.
  • Play the two Spellwhirls which both gives you two more Spellwhirls. (So now you have 4 Spellwhirls)
  • Play another two Spellwhirls which will give you three Failed Experiments and a Stormspawn.
  • Use all three Failed Experiments and then the Stormspawn (You are now at 11 faeria!)

This is why Spellwhirl Chaining can be so OP. You can hypothetically get infinite blue cards which means infinite faeria with Windfall. By the way right your hand has three Spellwhirls. Let's continue!

  • Using all three of your Spellwhirls you get 3 Water Elemental and 2 Failed Experiment and a Lore Thief
  • Play a Water Elemental (Now you are at 3 lakes, 7 faeria)
  • Play a Failed Experiment and then a Water Elemental twice (you will now have 5 lakes and 5 faeria)
  • Play Lore Thief and draw two more cards a Failed Experiment and a Baron
  • Use Failed Experiment then Baron (You have 2 faeria to spare) and you draw a free Auroras Dream
  • Use that Auroras Dream which draws 2 Water Elemental, a Dream Reaver, 2 Blightblade Knight, 2 Punishment and 2 other cards of no significance.

You now have everything you need to kill yourself. Can you spot how?

  • Use the two Water Elemental to get two more lakes (You are now at 7 lakes)
  • Play Dream Reaver and set yourself to ten health
  • Play down the two Blightblade Knights
  • Use Punishment on the two Blightblade Knights (this will do the final 10 damage setting yourself to 0 health)

This is crazy. I was certain turn 2 would be the fastest way to kill yourself. Dream Reaver turn one too OP. This combo takes 31 cards (including explore) so an entire deck. If you find a solution just as fast but uses less cards please let me know! Thanks for reading :).

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