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Tri-Color Hyper Combo

Posted by Urilbedamned on 27/10/2018

Faeria cost
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Well, here it is. My first prototype of the spiciest deck I could conceive. Is this deck competitive? Nah I really doubt it? Can you climb with it? Probably but there are faster ways to climb. Is it fun to play? Oh boy, you don't even know how fun this deck is.

The concept here is we have a lot of card draw, Dream Keepers to cycle the hand and get value out of the large amount of card draw, and most importantly numerous combos to get a payoff from your card draw and hand cycling. Below I'll list each of the cards and the role they play in the deck.

Doesn't really have synergy with anything. It's in the deck because it's a great stat line that's aids in come backs and it's superb against rush.

One of this decks potential win conditions is fatigue. This is here to ensure you win in that situation.

Same as Ulani, it's just here for the great stats and it's contribution against rush.

This is one of your bread and butter cards. You want to mulligan for these to get your draw engine up and running. It also helps to push towards the mill win condition and has a few combos that I'll point out when I get to the other cards in the combos.

Same as Storyteller. It trades in the instant card draw and life gain to get a beefy stat line and has the potential to heal more. Getting this to draw more than 2 card is extremely optimistic though.

Gagana and Meteor:
This combo isn't exactly new and first came up in the combo deck that used Tarum in conjunction with this combo. The reason it's in here is because it can very easily end the game against slow turtling decks like sac. Because of the nature of the deck when you need this combo you can probably fish it up in a reasonable amount of time.

Bloated Toad and Animated Banquet:
These might look a bit out of place but I assure you this deck needs to run these. For those unfamiliar with this combo the Toad swallows the Banquet which prevents the smaller toad from spawning when it dies because that space is already occupied by the Banquet. You need this because it provides a very cost efficient power play that you can pull off reliably due to the amount of card draw in the deck. Banquet is an amazing card outside of the combo but I would advise against playing Toads without Banquets because Toads are kinda mediocre on their own.

The more I use Rapala the more I learn about just how complex and versatile he is. He's in here because he has great combos with the entire mill package. He combos with Storyteller and Llamacorn to burn potentially crucial cards from your opponents deck. He combos with Dustbringer Wraith to make the fish you gave your opponent unplayable garbage. He even deletes Ruunin.

Humbling Vision:
Solid removal. Not much to say about it.

Dustbringer Wraith:
Combos with all of the cards that clog your opponents hand to turn their hand into terrible garbage. The stat line is also pretty decent for the cost.

Soul Pact:
This is here because often you'll find yourself inundated with cards but starved for Faeria. This a pretty efficient way to translate your card advantage directly into Faeria advantage.

Dream Keeper:
Let's you cycle mediocre hands to generate large amounts of value in the future as well as fishing up those oh so crucial toads and banquets.

It's Garudan. He's here because why would he not be? He's even more awesome in this deck because your much more likely to fish him out when you need him and when you don't you can chuck him back into the deck.

LAND TYPES (by number of cards)


FAERIA COST (by number of cards)

lipsness 27/10/2018 11:39

All I can say is : This deck is pure cancer. I recommend to alt-f4 whenever you face it.
There’s something called Karma. I hope it doesn’t forget about this.

oxothebeast 31/10/2018 08:45

I just try it , it feels great

Nickburger 01/11/2018 00:02

I also think this deck is extremely creative. I had fun playing against it twice in the same day—no need to alt-f4.

oxothebeast 02/11/2018 08:30

Did you make some update of this deck? . It’s hard to comeback to “standard” deck after this one, this deck is really addictive, i was thinking about adding doomsday or the outlaw ranger.

Urilbedamned 02/11/2018 15:48

I haven’t updated this deck recently. I wasn’t really expecting it to gain as much positive feedback as it has been. The list is by no means refined and I can absolutely see doomsday and outlaw ranger fitting into the deck so by all means experiment with it. You might find a better build than what I have posted here as a result.

Oh and thanks for the positive feedback :slight_smile:

Nickburger 03/11/2018 01:09

Doomsday could be a nice finisher for when your opponent has run out of cards.

Raheem 10/01/2019 05:13

Like the value, control, and decks that honorably charge up their power into holding out long enough for Bannon.

It’s a shame they busted feeding Bloated Toads though. If only feeding bloated toads could have a tuning down instead of removal.


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