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What is Pandora?

Posted by Atmaz on 10/02/2017

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Pandora is meant to be a completely different experience from normal constructed play. Casual, exciting, and unpredictable are three words you could use to describe the intended experience.
Sit down, draft a deck, have fun. That's what you should expect from Pandora.

How does it work?

When you click on Pandora in the main menu, you will be presented with a gate that must be unlocked to enter Pandora - the special limited draft format of Faeria

There are two types of Pandora drafts:

  • Standard - Entry Cost: 2 Battle Chests
  • Mythic - Entry Cost: 2400 Shards

Standard vs Mythic

Standard runs are designed to be only available to those without a complete collection. Rewards in Standard Pandora are designed to accelerate collection building. Once you obtain a full collection in Faeria, you can no longer earn Battle Chests and therefore not enter Standard Pandora.

Mythic runs are a way to earn more Shards, which you can use for cosmetic purchases and Mythic Chests.

No matter the type of Pandora run you choose, you will enter the same matchmaking queue and earn the same amount of Pandora Points. (See below)

Single Player vs Multi-Player

Once you choose a type of run, you'll be presented with two options: Single Player or Multi Player

Single Player runs have a reduced set of rewards compared to Multi Player, due to the inherently lower difficulty. This solo mode is intended to provide a way for non-competitive players to enjoy Pandora and increase their collection without facing competitive opponents. Performing well should be worth the time investment compared to just buying packs outright. Rewards for both modes are listed below.

Both the Single Player and Multi Player modes otherwise work exactly the same. In Single player, each time you beat an opponent the AI will increase in difficulty.

The Draft

  • Once you unlock the gate, you will notice one of the four main colors will be locked out of your control.
  • You will be presented with a selection of five randomly selected cards, grouped by card rarity.
  • You will proceed to select cards this way until you have completed a deck of 30 cards.
  • Every 10 cards, you will be presented with a special "Pandora Treasure" to choose from. Treasures are powerful creatures, structures, or events. They are available only in Pandora, not in Battle Chests or constructed mode. These treasures will become available in-game after Pandora is opened.
  • Your goal is to construct the best deck possible using the limited resources you have.
  • Once you have done that, you are ready to play Pandora.

Queuing for Pandora works much like any other mode. Whether you are in a Standard or Mythic run, you are entered into the same matchmaking queue. You will continue to play with your Pandora deck until you accumulate six wins, or two losses.

Depending on the amount of games you win in one run, you will earn a certain amount of Pandora Points.

Pandora Shards

Shuffled into each player's decks are shards of Pandora. When these shards are drawn, the player then draws another card and Pandora is one step closer to opening.

Once five total shards are drawn by either player, Pandora opens.

When Pandora is opened:

  • Faeria Wells will no longer generate Faeria
  • Players will now receive +6 Faeria per turn, instead of the normal 3.
  • Shards are removed from both player's decks
  • Treasures that were drafted are shuffled into each player's deck
  • "Treasure found" cards are shuffled into each deck. When a "Treasure found" card is drawn, each player gets a random treasure of the three they drafted.
  • One "Treasure found" card is drawn as soon as Pandora opens

Pandora treasures

Pandora Treasures

Treasures are powerful creatures, structures, or events. They are available only in Pandora, not in Battle Chests or constructed mode. These treasures will become available in-game after Pandora is opened.

There are currently 30 treasures available to choose from.

Pandora Points

Depending on the amount of games you win in one Pandora run, you will earn a certain amount of Pandora Points (PP).

Those Pandora Points can earn you special rewards at the end of each season.

Pandora Rewards

(Last updated August 21st, 2018)

Standard runs


  • 0 Wins: 0 PP + 1 Battle Chest + 3 Commons
  • 1 Win: 2 PP + 1 Battle Chest + 3 Commons + 1 Rare
  • 2 Wins: 4 PP + 1 Battle Chest + 4 Commons + 1 Rare
  • 3 Wins: 5 PP + 2 Battle Chests + 4 Commons + 2 Rares
  • 4 Wins: 5 PP + 2 Battle Chests + 5 Commons + 2 Rares
  • 5 Wins: 6 PP + 2 Battle Chests + 5 Commons + 3 Rares
  • 6 Wins: 7 PP + 3 Battle Chests + 2 Commons + 3 Rares


  • 0 Wins: 1 PP + 1 Battle Chest + 3 Commons
  • 1 Win: 3 PP + 1 Battle Chest + 3 Commons + 1 Rare
  • 2 Wins: 6 PP + 2 Battle Chest + 4 Commons + 1 Rare
  • 3 Wins: 10 PP + 2 Battle Chests + 5 Commons + 1 Rare
  • 4 Wins: 15 PP + 3 Battle Chests + 2 Commons + 1 Rare + 1 Epic
  • 5 Wins: 20 PP + 3 Battle Chests + 4 Commons + 2 Rares + 1 Epic
  • 6 Wins: 30 PP + 5 Battle Chests

Mythic runs


  • 0 Wins: 0 PP + 2000 Shards
  • 1 Win: 2 PP + 2400 Shards
  • 2 Wins: 4 PP + 2600 Shards
  • 3 Wins: 5 PP + 2800 Shards
  • 4 Wins: 5 PP + 3000 Shards
  • 5 Wins: 6 PP + 3200 Shards
  • 6 Wins: 7 PP + 3400 Shards


  • 0 Wins: 1 PP + 2000 Shards
  • 1 Win: 3 PP + 2400 Shards
  • 2 Wins: 6 PP + 2700 Shards
  • 3 Wins: 10 PP + 3200 Shards
  • 4 Wins: 15 PP + 3600 Shards
  • 5 Wins: 20 PP + 4200 Shards
  • 6 Wins: 30 PP + 5000 Shards

You can track your seasonal Pandora ranking at

After a win in any type of Pandora run you will receive normal end-of-match rewards and experience.

Pandora Season rewards

Pandora seasons reset on the first Monday of each month. Rewards for Pandora Points are given as follows:

Points - Rewards (In Shards)

  • 10 - 600
  • 25 - 1200
  • 50 - 2400
  • 75 - 3600
  • 100 - 3600 + Cardback for all further ranks
  • 125 - 4800
  • 150 - 4800 + Mythic chest for all further ranks
  • 175 - 5400
  • 200 - 6600
  • 225 - 7200
  • 250 - 8400
  • 275 - 9000
  • 300 - 9600


The matchmaking algorithm for Pandora to creates an MMR-like score per run, based on your number of Wins and Losses.

In general, you should be matched against other players with a similar amount of wins and losses, creating an even playing field where a player's own drafting skill and gameplay ability determine the opponents they face.

Pandora guides

Read here for more in-depth strategies regarding Pandora play.

Leet-Pete 12/04/2017 01:39

You might want to specify that you do not spend a practice coin when playing single-player Pandora. I just found out by playing.

Gerobig 25/04/2017 15:35

i am pretty sure you do spend it. Maybe it’s because there was the day reset while you were doing your run. so you got another practice coin.

Indie_KoT 11/05/2017 16:54

0 Wins: 1 PP + 1 Battle Chest + 700 Gold
1 Win: 2 PP + 1 Battle Chest + 800 Gold
2 Wins: 4 PP + 1 Battle Chest + 900 Gold
3 Wins: 7 PP + 2 Battle Chests + 300 Gold
4 Wins: 11 PP + 2 Battle Chests + 600 Gold

why 3, 4 wins have less gold then 0 wins ?
or that just mistake?

PlasmaRager 11/05/2017 17:13

Remember that battle chests costs 1000 gold to buy, so the net cost of awards is increasing steadily.

appo 11/05/2017 20:07

you missed a zero, its 2000 gold not 200 for one pandora coin.
and the usd price is false too since you need 500gems and 250 alone cost 0,99

matrien 25/07/2018 01:15

Thanks for the standard/mythic reward updates! Are there also new monthly reward lists for earning PP in Faeria 2.0?

Shimatta 25/07/2018 12:40

No more mythic cards at mythic pandora?

Atmaz 25/07/2018 16:06

At this time they’re remaining the same, except likely the Pandora Coin will be replaced with equivalent Shard value.

Atmaz 25/07/2018 16:06

Mythic Pandora now only rewards Shards, which you can then use toward Mythic Chests.


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